Five Stars and then some
The latest update has raised the "IQ" of the escort ships, made their sonar more sensitive and given them more formidable tactics against an attacking submarine. I dont know what to think of the way in which enemy ships "collide" and bounce off each other and sometimes resultingly spin around but I guess thats because of the huge difficulty of writing a program algorithm to deal with that challenge. Its a great simulation and a lot of fun. The rest of this review is what I wrote for previous versions before most recent update.... There arent very many submarines simulation games around. This is the best one I have happened to experience since my all – time favorite submarine simulation program, which was a DOS (Microsoft operating system before Windows 95). But, alas! I dont remember the name of THAT program.
So crash dive is the best submarine game I have ever played whose name I can remember. The developers of this game PAY ATTENTION to suggestions from their users! Therefore I will make a suggestion: I suggest that they add a protective cover over the switches for decoy launch and torpedo launch. Because on a few occasions Ive accidentally brushed too near those buttons and unintentionally launched a decoy or torpedo.
Arizona cactus cowboy about
Crash Dive, v1.5.34